Server Access

Server support brings MrZAP technology, policy-based access control, and user visibility for remote hosts directly into the BastionZero SaaS

The BastionZero product is maintained for existing BastionZero customers only.

Moving forward, we are natively rebuilding BastionZero’s technology as Cloudflare’s Access for Infrastructure service.

BastionZero allows you to secure your remote Linux hosts using Zero Trust Access by leveraging our multi-root zero trust protocol (MrZAP) and without the need for using Secure Shell (SSH).

With BastionZero, you can:

  • Support access to your servers even if they are on private IPs

  • Close SSH ports on your servers

  • Eliminate management of server account passwords and SSH keys

  • Control who has access to what account on which servers (e.g. Alice has access to root account on server centos-nyc-123)

  • Obtain an audit trail of who logged into what machine as which account, and what commands were run

  • Obtain ascii-cinema session recordings of their interactive sessions

  • Eliminate single points of compromise associated with jump hosts and VPNs using our MrZAP protocol

See Server Deployment for instructions on securing your server with BastionZero.

Using package managers, zli Quickstart, or a Bash or Ansible script will implement the autodiscovery process. Once BastionZero's bzero agent is installed, it will phone home to BastionZero using either your organization's default registration API key's secret or a short-lived activation token.

Last updated